Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Class Participation 5

Class Participation 5

Q For the Informative Speech, you will need to identify and present a topic that is organized in a logical and coherent manner. Our textbook identifies 6 different traditional Organizational Patterns, which can help focus a very broad, general topic down to a more specific and manageable subject. Here's a quick recap of those patterns: 1. Chronological - presents points in a sequential or time order. 2. Spatial - presents points by place or location. 3. Cause-Effect - presents reasons (causes) and implications (effects) of a topic. 4. Problem-Solution - describes a problem and a possible solution, or solutions, to it. 5. Pro-Con - presents arguments in favor of and arguments against an issue. 6. Topical - divides a subject into subtopics, each of which is part of the whole. See this Example Mind Map for how I took the general topic of "France" and created more focused topics (with main points) for each of the 6 Organizational Patterns: Word Download Wordor PDF Download PDF You can also use this Blank Mind Map to help visually generate your ideas: Word Download Wordor PDF Download PDF Directions: Choose one of the following very broad topics and use one of the Organizational Patterns to create a specific, focused topic. Also identify 2-4 main points that you would need to discuss for that focused topic, like in my Example Mind Map. Very Broad Topics to Choose From: Sports The United States of America Food Barack Obama Harassment *You will not be able to see your classmates' responses until you have responded yourself - this is practice, give it your best shot!*

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